23 Hilarious Christmas Gag Gift Ideas for Friends and Family
The holidays are a stressful time. Everyone’s rushing around trying to get the perfect presents for everyone in their lives while trying to hold things together at work and coordinate a way to make it home. The last thing you want to do is burden these poor, stressed folk with useless gifts they neither want nor need. The solution? Brilliant gag gifts that are guaranteed to bring laughter during Christmas.
These unique presents help take the edge off and you’ll definitely get a laugh or two along with a genuine thank you.

Christmas Gag Gifts for Him and for Her
The “Sure, I’ll Try it” UnBasket
A collection of weird stuff. Not just any weird stuff — these are weird things with food theme. The actual oddity in this collection varies based on availability. But one thing is for certain — these are awesome white elephant gifts!
Pavlok Habit Breaker
On the surface, the Pavlok looks just like any regular fitness tracker (such as Fitbit and Garmin), but it is much more than that. This smart wearable is designed to help you break your bad habits. How does it help break your bad habits? It gives you a waking zap when you do things you shouldn’t do — for example, when you smoke or drink when you shouldn’t. This gadget requires an iPhone or Android smartphone to work. You’ll need to install its app to set things up.
It does sound very useful, however, I do question the practicality and effectiveness of such gadget. On the other hand, it does zap you.
Adult Coloring Book
An adult coloring book that is actually adult-oriented. Calm the F*ck Down is a great way to wind down after a long day. Let out your inner emotion by coloring pages with irreverent adult humor. It contains 21 unique designs. Every design is printed on an individual sheet of paper — so you can use Sharpie on it without having to worry about the ink seeping through to damage the next design. The complexity of this coloring book is rated moderate to high.
iBed Tablet Stand
You’re not the only who spends too much time staring at the screen. Smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop — choose your own drug. Who am I to judge? I’m feeling like crap right now as I write this article because I was using Reddit last night until 4 AM. Anyway, you know much strain a smart gadget can put on your hand after holding it in a weird position for awhile. Especially true when you’re trying to hold a tablet while lying down the bed. But worry not, the iBed tablet stand to the rescue! This tablet stand holds your tablet in place for you — freeing up your hands for other more important activities such as checking your phone. It’s height is adjustable.
Electric Peanut Butter Maker
Great Scott! With this invention, everyone can make delicious peanut butter at home. Never again will you need to pick up a jar of peanut butter that has more preservatives than peanut. This electricity-powered machine can make virtually all sorts of nut butter, provided that you actually have those nuts. Some ideas are cashew butter, almond butter, and walnut butter.
Kovot Personal Fondue Mugs
Forget about that overpriced communal fondue at the restaurant. For an affordable price, you can have your own personal fondue at home in the comfort of your unicorn pajamas (see the next gag gift). Melt cheese or chocolate – dip your favorite food into it. Get a pair of these fondue mugs to make it a romantic date at home. The mugs also come with 4 forks.
Unicorn Pajamas
Unicorn pajamas in Winter is to unicorn pool floats in Summer. Wear it for the comfort and style.
Beard Glitter Kit
Movember may be over in December, but it’s never out-of-season for a bag of glitters that make your beard goes bling bling.
Horse Head Squirrel Feeder
Perfect gag gift for someone who has the habit of feeding squirrels in their backyard. This horse head is not a mask for your kids, it is a squirrel feeder. How does it work? First you fill it up with squirrel snacks, then you hang it up — perhaps on a tree branch — where squirrels frequent. When a squirrel sniffs its way to the reward, the result is a funny picture of a horse-head squirrel as shown in the picture above.
It doesn’t come with a squirrel. Find your own!
Mermaid Tails for Swimming
This may seem pointless on first glance, and it truly is sorta pointless, but what gag gifts aren’t? But on deeper inspection, this mermaid tail is useful in two ways. First, using it to swim making it more challenging, and as you face the challenge, it forces you to engage your core muscles, improving your fitness in the process. Second, it is an excellent photo prop — especially in Summer, on a beach or next to the pool.
Laundry Punching Bag
While I enjoy wearing clothes that smell fresh, I hate doing laundry. This laundry bag is a laundry bag and a punching bag in one. It allows you to keep your dirty laundry in one place and also provide you a way to release your stress — most like caused by envisioning the amount of dirty laundry that you haven’t had time to process.
Men’s Wooden Bow Tie
The shape of a bowtie does not differ too much from its conventional shape, which is reasonable because a bowtie that doesn’t look like a bowtie is probably something else altogether. But aside from the shape, a bowtie can be made of different fabric and have different unique patterns. But nothing you see in the department store is quite as unique as this bowtie, for it is made of actual wood. It comes in a single size. It is slightly longer than four and a half inch and the widest part of the bowtie stands at about two and a quarter inch.
Clocky Run Away Alarm Clock
Scientists suggest that the most common cause for running late to work is because it’s too easy to switch off the alarm. While I totally made that up, it is probably also true. What if you have an alarm that is not impossible to switch off, but it makes it challenging — so challenging the effort to turn it off will make you wide awake. The Clocky is an alarm clock that runs away from you. To switch it off you will have to catch it first.
SkySaver Building Escape Backpack
A backpack that you need, not the one you deserve. The Batman reference is not as clever as I imagine it to be, but I’m letting it stay anyway. This building escape backpack provides an emergency escape from a tall building.
Bev Tie Neoprene Beer Holder Necktie
Let’s take a step back and not complain how ridiculous this tie looks. Yes, it doesn’t exactly make you look like a PhD degree holder, but it sure holds your bottle of beer. Imagine yourself at the BBQ party, you are holding a quarter-pound burger on your right hand and delicious pork ribs on your left hand — who is there to hold your beer? And who is there to keep your beer cold? Well, this neoprene necktie is the solution you need. It holds your beer and keep it chilled. Buy now.
Show N Go Remote Controlled License Plate
This may be illegal in some states, so check the state laws before buying to avoid getting into troubles with law enforcement! This remote-controller license plate allows to hide and show your car’s license plate based on your preference.
Horse Head
Earlier in this gift guide, I recommended a horse head squirrel header. Many of my imaginary readers complained that when they tried to put the feeder on their head, it did’t really fit, also now they got squirrel nuts stuck in their hair. For that reason, I have decided to share this horse mask that is designed for human wear. This horse head is as realistic as it gets when it comes to fake wearable horse head. Wear it on Halloween or just because — if you’re not very mentally stable.
Betty Beauty Pubic Hair Dye
There is this age-old problem everybody is too shy to discuss in public. And I’m now bringing it to light — when someone dye their hair, it is a concern that their public hair now doesn’t match their hair on the top of their head. It is true. Nobody wants to talk about it, but secretly everyone is worry to death about this … mismatch. Well now you can make sure that they are a pair when it comes to the sharing the same color with these specialized public hair dry.
Check out the whole range of colors here!
Mewgaroo Cat Holder Sweatshirt
For cat lovers and people who like to store junks in their pockets. This hoodie has a extra large front pocket that your cat will love to snuggle in.
DoubleKick Energizing Hot Sauce
So hot that it wakes you up! This hot sauce adds the spiciness to your food that you long for and some caffeine too.
What do you think of these crazy gift ideas? Personally my favorite is the adult coloring book, what about you?